How AI in Call Centers Improves Average Handle Time Without Compromising Quality

Learn how AI in call centers reduce Average Handle Time while maintaining high-quality, empathetic customer service in call center automation.

With rising expectations and competition, balancing reduced AHT with great service is a top priority. One of the most promising tools that came to the forefront is contact center automation.

As focusing only on reducing AHT can lead to rushed conversations and poor service quality. But prioritizing quality without managing AHT can result in longer wait times. And longer wait times are the major frustration for customers. 

Even Forbes notes that 96% of consumers will leave a brand after poor service.

And generally, a good average handle time is around six minutes. And according to McKinsey, reducing AHT by 40% can boost conversion rates on service-to-sales calls by nearly 50%. 

Let’s walk you through how AI in call centers can enhance AHT. All while ensuring that customer service remains valuable, compliant, and empathetic. 


1. Automating Routine Tasks


Repetitive tasks like data entry, call routing, and answering common questions, can be easily done by an AI voice agent. By letting AI handle these tasks, human agents can focus on more complex issues. This also speeds up call handling and reduces human error.

AI also automates after-call work, such as summarizing conversations and updating CRM systems. This allows agents to quickly move on to the next call. This lowers AHT while ensuring accurate information is recorded.


2. Reducing Transfer Rates


AI improves call routing by analyzing customer data and interaction history. It directs calls to the right agent, or even handles them independently with multi-agent AI. This reduces transfer rates and improves first-contact resolution, which shortens AHT.

As AI learns from patterns, it continuously adapts. This further optimizing call routing and agent performance.


3. Predictive Analytics for Proactive Service


In 2024, predicting customer needs is very easy with the help of AI. And AI Agents can access relevant information quickly, addressing issues. This proactive approach cuts down the time spent by human agents searching for solutions during the call, reducing AHT.


4. Understanding Customer Emotions


AI can analyze the tone and sentiment of customer conversations. It gives agents insights into the customer’s emotional state, allowing them to respond more effectively. This enhances empathy, improving call handling and reducing AHT.


5. Dynamic Knowledge Management


AI in call centers powers dynamic knowledge bases that provide real-time access to relevant information. Agents spend less time searching for answers, leading to quicker resolutions and shorter AHT.

These knowledge bases continuously update based on customer interactions. This ensures that the information stays accurate and useful.


6. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance


AI provides insights into key metrics like call duration, hold times, and agent productivity. This helps identify trends and areas for improvement, optimizing AHT.

Regular performance monitoring ensures your call center remains efficient and responsive to customer needs.


7. Ensuring Continuous Improvement


AI learns from every customer interaction, continuously improving over time. This ensures that AI solutions remain effective in reducing AHT while maintaining high service quality.

Regular reviews and updates keep your AI solutions sharp and aligned with changing customer expectations.




AI in call centers offers powerful tools to improve Average Handle Time without compromising service quality. If you’re also ready to transform your call center with AI, schedule a demo with VoiceOwl to explore our Generative AI-powered solutions and elevate your customer service today.