DPDPA Compliance Made Easy: How VoiceOwl Empowers Telemarketers to Comply

DPDPA compliance made easy. How VoiceOwl's AI-powered solutions help telemarketers to comply.

If you’re a telemarketing company, you’ve often faced new challenges. Especially with the introduction of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA). You want to comply with the regulations, but the details can be overwhelming. 

At VoiceOwl, we’ve anticipated these changes. And our Generative AI powered data protection technology is already equipped to meet the guidelines that will soon become the standard. 

Here’s how we help telemarketing services stay ahead of the curve.


Direct Marketing and the DPDPA Compliance: What You Need to Know

Direct marketing involves reaching out to customers directly through platforms like email, social media, or phone calls. But with the DPDPA in play, how you handle personal data is important. Profiling, where you use personal data to tailor your services, now has strict rules. Complying with these rules is essential to avoid penalties and maintain customer trust.


Key DPDPA Regulations for Handling Personal Data 


  1. Consent: Consent should be freely given, specific, informed ,unconditional, unambiguous, and requires affirmative action ( the option of opt -in).

In simple terms- you need clear, specific, and explicit consent from customers. They must actively choose to receive your communications, such as by opting in themselves—pre-checked boxes are not allowed.

  1. Legitimate Uses: You can process data if it’s given voluntarily or required by law. But always stay within these boundaries.


Opt-In and Opt-Out: Respecting Customer Choices


  • Opt-In: Customers must actively choose to receive your messages. An opt-in process requires the user to actively subscribe to receive any direct marketing communication by providing their contact information. This means that the person has given explicit consent to receive communication. And they’re in control and know exactly what they’re signing up for. The person can still choose the kind of communications they want to receive.
  • Opt-Out: Customers can withdraw their consent anytime. Whether during a call, via email, or through your website cookies, making it easy for them to opt out.


How VoiceOwl Helps You Stay Compliant

  1. Giving an Opt-out option during the call: Our AI-powered calls allow customers to opt out during or after the call, respecting their preferences.
  2. Automated Consent Management: If someone isn’t interested, our system flags it immediately, so you don’t waste time on unwanted contacts.
  3. Minimal Data Collection: We only collect the data necessary to do the job, keeping your operations streamlined and compliant.
  4. Secure Data Handling: We retain data only as long as needed and protect it with strong security measures.
  5. Ongoing Compliance: Our team is trained on DPDPA, and we conduct regular audits to ensure we stay compliant.
  6. Robust IT Security Framework -We’ve built our own set of policies to define a secure VoiceOwl Information Assets. VoiceOwl has its own Incident Response Plan. 


VoiceOwl: Your AI Partner in DPDPA Compliance

Staying compliant doesn’t have to be complicated. With VoiceOwl, you can easily meet DPDPA requirements while focusing on connecting with your customers. Ready to simplify compliance? Contact us today, and let’s get started!