How to Select the Best Voicebot Companies in India for NBFCs

Top voicebot companies in India offer multi-agent models, secure data handling, and human-like interactions for NBFC optimization. VoiceOwl is the top voice bot company in India.

If you’re running a Non Banking and Financial Company, selecting the right voicebot might seem daunting. But it is required to optimize company operations, contact center, and ultimately, bring revenue to the table. With so many voice bots companies in India, it’s important to know what to look for. Here’s a guide to help you make the best decision.


Are You Choosing Voice bot Companies Offering  Multi-Agentic Model?


When finding voice AI companies, consider whether you get a single model or a multi-agentic model voice bot. Single model handles tools in a generic manner, but a multi-agent model is more versatile, more specific. With generative AI, ensure there’s more than one model working in concurrence.

For instance, if you need voicebots for sales, it should possess different skills than the one for sales. And it should be instantly able to switch back to the other model depending on the need. 

For instance, if you need voicebots for sales, it should possess different skills than the one for sales. And it should be instantly able to switch back to the other model depending on the need. All while maintaining the same voice. This flexibility allows your bot to adapt to varying customer needs seamlessly.

Every conversation that comes through should automatically be directed to the most suitable voicebot model. Different voicebots should be skilled for different solutions: whether it’s debt collection, sales, pre-sales, customer support, operations, or any other task.

 This ensures that each request is handled by a specialized bot that can smoothly  solve the problem at hand.


Can It’s Voicebot Perform Tasks Without Human Intervention?


A lot of voice bot companies in India claim to offer the best solutions with generative AI technology. However, this raises the question, does your bot handle the whole task independently without going for human resources?

It is considered to make use of a voicebot that can operate end-to-end in a way that completely obviates recourse to human labor.

A lamest example can be a task like sending documents via WhatsApp that should be handled effortlessly by the bot.


Does their Voice Bot Sound Human?


Consider the tone of the bot and the latency. For instance, the most effective companies like VoiceOwls bot work on LLMs like GPT-4.0 mini, which has a latency of 1500 milliseconds, ensuring smooth and responsive interactions. 

Additionally, data accuracy is vital; look for bots that offer managing data with 90% accuracy, a standard achieved by top database companies in the U.S.


Are You Choosing VoiceBot Companies That Comply?


Data security is a significant concern. Ensure that their voice generative AI technology keeps data only as long as it’s required. If something goes wrong, it should be controllable and reversible with a click. 

A compelling example is the collaboration between VoiceOwl and the most prominent database management company, which developed a tele-verification model with zero interaction and zero recording, ensuring maximum privacy and security.


Is their Voicebot Humane?


A voicebot in your contact center should be more than just functional; it should be humane.

 For instance, if a customer says, “I’m busy—I’ll call you later,” the bot’s response should differ from a scenario where the customer says, “I’m unwell—I’ll call you later.” 

This level of emotional intelligence is crucial, as it ensures the bot truly listens to the problem and responds appropriately.

 It’s important to select a voicebot that genuinely helps customers instead of merely pushing for sales. This approach not only solves customer issues but also aids in lead retention.

Your ideal voice bot should know when the conversation is concluded and when to drop the call. It should avoid waiting for the contact center hours to end, thereby wasting the prospect’s time by dragging out the call. Efficiency is key to a positive customer experience.

Is it Offering A Flexible Payment System?


Finally, consider whether the voicebot company offers a pay-as-you-go model. Your company should give you the ease of trying out the service and comparing the results, rather than binding you to a contract or commitments. This flexibility allows you to assess the bot’s performance and make an informed decision.

VoiceOwl: One Of the Most Trusted VoiceBot Companies For NBFCs


At VoiceOwl, we offer voicebots that are designed with your NBFC’s needs in mind. Our multi-agentic, native generative AI models ensure that your customers receive personalized, efficient service every time. With our commitment to data security, humane interaction, and flexible pricing, VoiceOwl is the ideal choice for NBFCs looking to evolve their contact center experience. 

Ready to see how VoiceOwl can transform your operations? Contact us today and experience the difference.